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June 06, 2009


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I've never posted a comment ... but I thought I should share. In the past year I've started experiencing altered vision and tingly-ness. I've had migraines for years. Never with symptoms like this. Now I have altered vision (can't focus on details, everything fuzzy, and overwhelming light) accompanied by traveling fuzziness. It begins in one side of my hand/mouth and moves through my hand/mouth. My tongue gets numb and I can barely speak. It's a strange experience ... in my case, it's a migraine. Good luck! Definately get it worked up, answers are better than ambiguity.


I know you must be relieved to finally have an answer. Not knowing is horrible. And Hypoglycemia is very easily manageable. Your descriptions sound very much like the episodes she sometimes has. Good luck!!


I really, really hope it IS hypoglycemia as well.


What Amber said - I hope it's nothing more serious than hypoglycemia. Hang in there.


I had this associated with migraines that were brought on by meningitis. Have they given you a spinal tap??


I will be praying for you. Let me know if you need anything!!

Hang in there!!


I will definitely be keeping you in my prayers. Let us know!


That is so strange Amanda! And, very scary! I sure hope everything is ok. Sounds weird that it would be hypoglycemia causing you to go numb. I sure hope they figure out what is going on! Please let me know if you need anything.


I have hypoglycemia and the pixelated vision it pretty common. However, by the time I get to that point I usually pass out in the next min or two so I can't tell you if I go numb. But usually an episode is followed by a raging headache. I hope you get it all figured out soon.


Hi there, I hope I can giv you some comfort with the explanation that this is something I have (sometimes more, sometimes less) experienced in connection with my migraines and I have had it for well over 20 years now. My migraine attacks have started when I was a schoolkid and then I sometimes had them after exercising as well. Nowadays it is sometimes alcool or (way more) sleeping too little that can provoke an attack - or, for me, too much caffeine (dehydration). I guess there could be some factors in there for you...

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