1. Fretted.
2. Fumed.
3. Freaked out.
4. Figured out where all our money went (Food).
5. Found and scheduled the carpet cleaner.
6. Finally came to the conclusion that we need to take Alex out of his current preschool, purely for financial reasons. Every month he's there, our savings account goes down instead of up. Sadly, I'm not sure it will end up working out since I think I needed to give TWO months notice that we were leaving the school and there are only two tuition payments left. Sigh.
7. Folded fourteen loads of laundry.
8. Finalized the numbers on our refinance (after all that fretting, fuming and freaking out).
9. Failed miserably to build anything out of Legos for Alex besides a giant red rectangle.
10. Forced myself to vacuum.
11. Fixed myself a cocktail.
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Amen for #11. I am making your meatloaf tonight. Pouring myself wine as I type. I'm good like that.
Posted by: Lia | March 04, 2008 at 05:14 PM
I can build killer lego stairs...unfortunately, that's about the extent of my lego giftedness, much to DS chagrin. At least you still get to refinance. Our appraisal came in too low to carry one. I'm sorry about the preschool. I know how much you love it there. I hope tomorrow is better for you.
Posted by: Stacey | March 04, 2008 at 05:41 PM
Frell. Courtesy of Farscape.
Posted by: DebbieS | March 04, 2008 at 05:44 PM
Leggos...ugh. One son got the fire truck/stations set...got one building done and one truck only to have him dismantle in less time than it took me to put together (this was when he was in his blowing up stage)...haven't made one since. Waiting for kids to go to bed before #11, and then I am all over that one. (I tend to make fairly strong ones for some reason, could be the no measuring thing, who knows :) )
Posted by: Carrie | March 04, 2008 at 07:11 PM
holy laundry! I have about that many loads to wash.
(this was a cute idea)
Posted by: stephanie | March 05, 2008 at 07:17 AM
I'm doing #11 right now.
My unsolicited advice: just let him stay in preschool. It hurts the pocketbook, but it feeds his mind. It's just 2 more months.
I bought cauliflower today. Hubby is back in from a trip tomorrow evening and I'm going to roast it. I'll let you know how it turns out.
Where's the Naked Ledger? I miss it!
Posted by: 1hot&tiredmama | March 05, 2008 at 05:37 PM