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March 03, 2008


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Thanks for the recipe. I think I'll try it tonight. My husband and I will both like it. I like that you add all the special little tips with your recipe. Thanks again!


I don't like cauliflower, but I am going to try this. Could you do it with broccoli as well?

Ashley & Family

I read you all the time (from the privacyof reader of course) and I just had to comment. I love this recipe, more importantly the kids loved it. I just read your 100 things but comments are closed. Financial planner? WOW! Any time you want to take a shot at my finacial debacle your welcome to it ;)


I've never liked cauliflower. But you've convinced me to try it!


My kids will eat this! Never thought of just roasting the damn thing. Thank you.


I love cauliflower, and I'd never thought of roasting it before. I am going to try this!

Tami C

I made this after I emailed Amanda for the exact recipe a couple weeks ago. It is FANTASTIC!!! I am veggie impaired but this is so easy, and my family of veggie haters even liked it! No left overs at our house!
Thanks Amanda!


My kids both love cauliflower. I can't wait to try this recipe. I'll let you know what happens.


Thanks, I've been meaning to ask for this recipe since you guys eat it so much.


My lazy ass self does this even more simply--just toss the cauliflower in a bowl with the olive oil, salt and pepper and some minced garlic--no brushing required--and the oven bumped up to 425. Also, no need to coat the foil with oil if you use that non-stick foil (which is fantastic--try it!) I also flip the florets over halfway through to get them brown on both sides, but I admit that's more work, not less. Yes, this works really well with broccoli, too. And parsnips! (Cut 'em in french fry shapes.)Asparagus can be done the same way, but it cooks very fast, so you have to watch it carefully or you end up with asparagus goo. I use the same technique for potatoes--the little red ones, cut in halves or thirds, and fresh rosemary instead of garlic. They take longer than the veggies, and definitely have to be flipped halfway, but soooo good.

Kelli Sessions

This is SO good and I am not a cauliflower fan. I tried it myself tonight using your pictures as a guide. Thanks for the new side dish!!


Long time lurker, first time poster.
This looks really yum, I will definitely try it when cauliflower season rolls around here. Thanks!


Yum yum yum! This looks awesome. I might try it tonight!


I don't know what it is about cauliflower, but it seems like everyone I know is eating it and talking about it lately! Last week, I threw a bunch in the boiling water with my potatoes and made mashed potatoes/cauliflower. My kids had no idea, and they ate it!


I made this on Tuesday 3/4/2008 It was delicious and I could have eaten it all by myself, but I had to share. I will definetly be making this often but hopefully when cauliflower isn't so expensive.


So, I hate cauliflower. Hate. HATE. My husband loves it, though. So, i decided to make it last night for him. I was gagging as i cut up the stalks.

I followed the directions.

Placed it on his plate (and a bit on mine because I was trying to be open minded).

It was FANTASTIC. I ate at least half the pan while my husband watched, open-mouthed.

GREAT JOB. (My only alterations were kosher salt instead and less of the butter/oil mix. I don't know what i am doing wrong, but with both the cauliflower and the rice pilaf, they are too greasy for me.)


Hey Manda, I made this tonight. And for the record, I hate cauliflower. But this was good.

photo here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/carrisablog/2315303689/

(fyi I'm going by a diff name/blog now)


Okay. I finally I have a reason to leave a comment. I hope you get this comment/read it. (I live in Portland but work in Vancouver! and I have been reading your blog for about 6 months or so! By the way.) I made this for a dinner party I had tonight. I thought that I used too much salt but my friends all LOVED the recipe. Maybe they were being nice. It was very good, I thought. I love veggies, but seeing as I am a vegetarian it is no big surprise. Thanks SO MUCH for the recipe!!!


All I have to say about this recipe is...BURP. I went all Garfield on it and I'm not ashamed. Amanda, you rock!


I made this recipe last night...delicious!! We picked up a head of cauliflower from our local farmer's market (you might know it since you lived in Davis back in the day!!) and then roasted it last night. So good and easy. Even the boyfriend (who claims to not like cauliflower) asked for seconds. We finished the whole head in one sitting. So good. I give it an A+.


I think I love you! I made the cauliflower....OMG! Dee-lish! I also did carrots and I'm going to try brussel sprouts. HOLY COW are these good!


I FINALLY tried it this weekend. Everyone loved it, the kids even loved it! We ran out and everyone was so disappointed. Next time I'll need 2 cauliflowers. I had it with a roasted chicken and homemade biscuits and it was so good that I made dessert afterwards because I could not top off a meal that delicious with a 100 calorie pack or something!

Though, I didn't have any olive oil, so I used veggie oil and a sprinkling of garlic powder.


Oh my STARS!! Bless you!! this was awesome! I am NOT a veggie person but LOVED this. My youngest boy, who balks at everything (the kid won't even drink CHOCOLATE milk!!) LOVED it..he asked for more and more and more. Even after dinner was done and he was up from the table..he kept asking for more. I am thrilled!! thank you!!!


I tried to cheat and use frozen cauliflower which did NOT work... I only recommend this if you like the normal yucky mushy cauliflower! However, I made it the RIGHT way which was DELICIOUS and I actually made myself sick eating too much in one night(read:almost the whole head).



Yum! I am not normally a fan of Cauliflower, and actually turned up my nose when you first posted it. After all the positive comments, I decided to give it a try, and guess what? LOVED IT.

I added some garlic, and cut the cauliflower into even smaller FLAT pieces. My only problem is that mine never gets as brown as yours does in the pics, so I think I'm gonna have to turn up the oven.

Too bad that organic cauliflower is nearly $3.00 a head in my grocery store. Otherwise, I would have it several times per week. That, and also it kinda makes me gassy! TMI

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