1. Call the loan agent to ask why the final loan closing documents seem to be $6,000 off from her original estimate. That should be a fun conversation.
2. Find and call carpet cleaners for Carol's new house.
3. Pay the bills. Figure out where all our money disappeared to.
4. Write a Mom Street Journal post.
5. Write the next post in my gastric bypass surgery series.
6. Do all the rest of the stuff my regular life requires: catch up 14 loads of unfolded laundry, vacuum, sweep, put away the dishes, generally pay attention to my children.
Should be fun!
hey thats a real To do list... quiet fascinating :) This should be the most amusing one ;)
Figure out where all our money disappeared to.
Posted by: WebDrops | March 04, 2008 at 02:19 AM
Sounds like a weeks worth of "ToDo" rather than 1 day.
I'm eternally greatful husband is a banker on each house we bought over the years there was ALWAYS a "descrepancy".
Won't comment too long you got too much "todo".
Posted by: Grammice | March 04, 2008 at 05:26 AM