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March 05, 2008


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I'm sorry you guys have been sick after sick after sick, but THANK YOU for looking out for Sabrina's health.


Just a note from a child development standpoint: it's absolutely appropriate for his stage of development that Alex be allowed to make those choices. If he IS on the verge of reading, choosing not to work with letters/books/writing will not stunt his growth in that area. It's the best thing for his overall development academically that he be able to make those choices and have them respected. I totally understand your enthusiasm as a mom :), but just proceed with caution. He will come to it.


Cash in envelopes can accomplish all of your budgeting goals, it's impossible to spend what you don't have with cash. I'm very very close to cutting up my last credit card.


The best gift my son ever got was the Hooked on Phonics kindergarten set from his grandparents. It has flashcards with corresponding CD's for learning letters and letter sounds. It has a ton of books, short and easy to read. And it has a great computer game my son loves. Whenever you close the game, it tells you how many words your child can read. Very cool.
It sounds like Alex would be ready for this set, so I would skip the preschool one.
Educational play is so fun, and important! Congrats on stimulating your kids and expanding their knowledge!


"Marvin K Mooney Will You Please Go NOW!" was the first book I could read cover to cover. Yes, I was proud. Yes, I still love the book. Dr. Seuss was the cat's meow in my book!

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