Yesterday I put Genoa in the bouncy chair to watch Teletubbies and it was even better baby crack than Baby Einstein. Alex was cruising around wearing the Bumbo seat as a hat and I bet you can already guess where this is going. I was in the kitchen attempting to make a meal plan for the week and I heard the bump and then the scream and by the time I was around the corner, Alex was already sitting on his naughty spot awaiting his punishment. Genoa had a big red mark on her forehead and Alex was banished to his bedroom for over an hour.
Then, after everyone was settled and I let Alex out of his dungeon, we took a shower. Genoa started screaming from the door jumper half-way through and continued to scream/fuss/whine for almost two hours. It was the milk-allergy scream, but I knew dairy wasn't the problem since it was noon and I hadn't eaten a single bite yet. Then it occurred to me that I wasn't exactly sure when she'd last pooped. On Thursday, when it had been a week since her last bath, I remember thinking, I bet she'll poop today, so I'll just wait until that's over before I give her a bath. Then I bathed her on Saturday even though she still hadn't pooped. My guess is her last one was Wednesday. FIVE days ago.
Am I the world's worst mother or what? I'm already using TV as a babysitter and I can't even remember to BATHE my daughter, much less pay attention to her obviously distressed bowels. Needless to say, I gave that girl a suppository and she blew out her diaper in under five minutes. I swear I promise to change my ways - I'm going to start marking her bathing and crapping schedule on the calendar.
Just to keep this post from getting too sucktacular, I should note that the sex-streak continues. I have no idea how or why and I keep thinking we're too old for this, but it's like a second honeymoon. Well, it's like a honeymoon at home, no where near the beach and with extra emphasis on the shushing so we don't wake up the children.
Wow second honeymoon you say? I am jealous!
Posted by: Tuesday | October 17, 2006 at 11:03 AM
Wow...what's your fabulous secret to the sex-streak? I swear, when I hear those reports about most married couples having sex an average of 3 times per week...I think WHO? WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE? I know whose pumping up the average.
Love your blog!
Posted by: Christi | October 17, 2006 at 11:38 AM
What? You have sex? I'm so jealous. Life with three little ones has squashed any desire we both had. We'd both rather sleep than get it on.
And you're not a bad mom - I can't even remember the last time I gave my baby a bath. It's not like she gets dirty or anything. I'm going to try the TV thing. Why haven't I thought of this before?
Posted by: beki | October 17, 2006 at 01:22 PM
Talk to your doctor about the five days. Depending on her diet it might not be a bad thing.
Posted by: Yukonruby | October 17, 2006 at 02:26 PM
I'm with Christi - you're totally messing up the curve... :)
I'm happy for you, though.
I had a hard time remembering when I had last bathed Emily when she was little, too. I finally decided to just start giving her a bath every day or every other, depending on what was happening around the house. I did it as part of her bedtime routine (bath, jammies, bottle, bed) and voila! Baby no longer smells like a dirty sock.
Posted by: Erin | October 17, 2006 at 05:48 PM
you are a great mom with lots of things to remember. mark andi had a big when did she poop last debate tonight. instead of having sex, seriously, you are grossing me out here. :-)
Posted by: jenB | October 18, 2006 at 01:51 AM
Long time reader, rare commenter here. Just wondering what you thought of the Bumbo chair, as I've registered for one for my first baby due in December. Was it worth the money?
Posted by: hydrogeek | October 18, 2006 at 08:07 AM
Caillou works rather well too,except I think he is a whiny little shit!! But, I digress!!!
The streak is alive and well,eh? Don't jinx it for the love of god!! Go with it!!!
The bowel thing-neither of mine are on ANY kind of poop schedule. And trust me when I say-it AIN'T a problem,if you get my drift!!
You are a good mom,the ones who worry about it always are!! And the ones that say "they never use tv as a babysitter" are fucking liars!! Sometimes you gotta or you will never get dinner ready!!
Posted by: Jenny | October 19, 2006 at 06:30 PM