1. It’s taken a great deal of time and extensive deliberation, but I have finally decided what to do with my hair. NOTHING! Brown. Curly. Boring. Not the stuff of a makeover show, but it’s drip-dry easy and apparently that’s enough for me. I’m glad to free up all that brain matter to worry about something else now.
2. Today that something else is my new shirt and it’s fabulous neckline and how I’m simultaneously having a fabulous hair day, which, of course, hides the fabulosity of the neckline. So which do I show off?
3. I’m not cut out to be a stay-at-home mom. I’d happily trade my day job to be a go-to-the-park mom or a shopping-at-Target-mom or even a drop-off-the-dry-cleaning mom, but I just CAN’T stay at home. I need a to do list, a highlighter and a reason to put on shoes every day. If I ever do get to quit my day job, that PTA better watch out.
4. In one of his more successful searches for dangerous kitchen goods, Alex discovered a GIANORMOUS spider in one of the cabinets. That beast was so furry it classified as a rodent. Fortunately, Dave hunted it down with a red plastic cup. But now it’s haunting me - I dreamt last night that spiders were popping up everywhere and taking over the condo.
5. I’m the proud owner of a sexy new red coffeemaker. It’s LOVERLY. This past week has been one long coffee buzz.
6. I got to start a new budget category entitled “home repairs”. Apparently DISPOSABLE toilet bowl cleaners are not all actually FLUSHABLE. Duh! I got extra points for failing to alert the husband of the problem in a timely manner. At least not timely enough for him to avoid worsening the problem, if you catch my drift. Goodbye $85! Unfortunately, plumbers don’t offer a “dumb girl” discount.
7. My hives are still pestering me – fortunately only when I forget to take my magic Zyrtec pill every day. It’s beginning to worry me a tad. If they are seasonal allergies and they started in February, why am I still getting them in September? Whatever blooms now SURELY must be different from what blooms in February. It would really suck if at 28 years old I suddenly developed seasonal allergies that last ALL FOUR seasons!